
What is swing stage scaffold in construction

For most people, construction swing stage scaffold is a very strange thing. But the swing stages are widely used in high-rise construction project. What is a swing stage scaffold in construction?

swing stage scaffold in construction

Swing stage scaffold in construction, also known as suspended scaffold or rope suspended platform, is a temporary lifting equipment which can help to transform workers, their working equipment and tools at unlimited heights.

According to OSHA, there are 8 types of suspended platform, including Catenary, Float(ship), Interior Hung, Multi-level, Multi-point Adjustable, Needle Beam, Single-point Adjustable, Swing stage. And the swing stage is the most common suspended scaffolding. The swing stage scaffold is suspended by cable or rope connected to stirrups at each end of the working platform.

Products Applications

Except for use in construction projects, the swing stage scaffolding has many other uses, such as window cleaning, exterior wall painting, decoration and maintenance of high-rise building, curtain wall installation, building and repairing of bridge, chimney and ship, etc.

application of swing stage scaffolding

Swing stage safety

1.Be sure to set up swing stage scaffold suspension devices correctly. Remember to use counter weights if they are needed to help support the scaffold.
2.Make sure that you know your ropes and how to attach them to the equipment you are working with.
3.Keep the suspended scaffold free of unused tools, materials and other debris.
4.Use PFAS and guardrails to protect yourself from falling, while on the job when you work on a suspended scaffold.
5.Gravity is always a concern, but if you follow the rules and safety precautions you can avoid letting it get you down.

Where to buy swing stage/ rope suspended platform?

If you want to buy a swing stage system, it is important to choose a reliable manufacturer or distributor. Hebei Hengxiang Engineering Materials is a professional swing stage scaffold manufacturer in China. Our ZLP series suspended platform and related accessories have passed ISO9001 & CE certifications. For products specifications and prices, feel free to contact us.

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