Hebei Hengxiang

Ring lock scaffolding system

The Ring lock scaffolding is one types of scaffolding. Ring lock scaffolding system is a temporary construction structure which enables workers to transport, set up, use and disassemble efficiently.

Ringlock is one of the most sophisticated and complete scaffolding systems on the market. It is designed to keep components minimal to allow to set up and dismantle easily.
With a built-in safety mechanism and high load capacity, the ring lock scaffolding system is an ideal choice in different kinds of applications.

Product Parameters of Ring Lock Scaffolding

Inaddional of standard, ledger and diagonal brace, plank and metal scaffolding plank hooks are also available. metal plank is used to walk through the scaffolding system or elevate the step on the scaffolding. And the metal hooks can make the scaffolding plank much sturdy.


Ring lock scaffolding is widely applied in the onshore and offshore industrial construction, commercial construction, and civil & infrastructure construction. This scaffolding system can be used for circular, curved, or straight structures, and it can also be used for mobile and independent towers.


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