When people are working high above the ground on a suspended scaffolding, how to work with suspended scaffolding safety is especially important. Suspended scaffolding is also known as rope suspended platform, which can help workers to reach places that are usually hard to get to.
To keep everyone safe in the workplace, there are certain security principles that must to be followed. So workers need to be trained on the safety rules and other work terms before start to use the suspended platform, such as suspended scaffolding correct use and placement,how to handle materials while working on suspended scaffolds, fall prevention and protection techniques.
In addidtion, a scaffolding expert is also required whenever swing stage scaffolding is being used. This expert is responsible for designing each scaffold that is erected at the site, supervising scaffold construction enforcing scaffold safety regulations and resolving any problems that relate to scaffolds.

Work on a suspended scaffolding safety:
1. Check the area where the suspended scaffold will be used, before setting it up.
2. Look for things that could block the scaffolds path while it is in motion. Protruding objects like pipes and construction equipment could very well tip the scaffold as it passes by.
3. Make sure you are a safe distance from all electrical sources. Be especially aware of any nearby powerlines that could come in contact with the scaffold. The rule for working near power lines is the higher the voltage the further away you should be.
4. Suspension devices must be attached to parts of the structure that are strong enough to support four times the maximum intended load of the scaffold.Note: Osha defines the maximum intended load as the total weight of a scaffold including an estimate of all person’s equipment, tools and materials that can be applied to a scaffold or scaffold component at any time.
5. When there are no points on the structure that can support a suspended scaffold, outrigger beams are used. Outrigger beams should be placed perpendicular to their supports. The beams should then be stabilized with ropes known as tie backs.
6. To further stabilize the outrigger beams, counterweight should be attached. Inspect the ropes which will be used to hang the suspended scaffolding, for damage and wear before, during and after each use. If there are any damage, affect the normal operation of the equipment, or have lost 1/3 of the original diameter at any spot, replace the ropes immediately.
7. Make sure they are in safe working condition by testing them before you begin to work. For further protection, a hoist must be able to safely support, decelerate and stop a load during a fall.
8. All ropes, hoists and related hardware must support up to six times the scaffolds maximum intended load.
9. Working platforms should be wide enough to allow workers room to safely store their tools, move around ,and pass by eachother as their work.
10. Check to see the components have not been worn or damaged, and that the scaffold is not overloaded.
11. Limit the build up of tools and other debris on a scaffold platform.
12. If you are trying to get to a work area that is a little high or low raise or lower the scaffold , don’t test your balance by leaning or stretching to reach your work.
13. Personal fall arrest system(PFAS) should be used by everyone who is working on a suspended scaffold. PFA lifelines should only be attached to a structural member like girders or eye beams that can withstand the weight of a falling worker.
14. In addition to following good work practices, using preventative measures like toe boards, screams ,and debris nets can help reduce and prevent objuct falling.
15. the area below the danger zone should be roped off to protect people from possible injuries.
16. Every one should wear a hard hat.